Lifetime Radon RemediationLifetime Radon Remediation
For residential homes, radon mitigation may be necessary if you are in a non-passing radon test zone. Although this gas is colorless, odorless, and virtually undetectable, it is a serious health risk. If you suspect you may have an elevated radon level, contact a local mitigation company for assistance. Lifetime Radon Solutions is a trusted local mitigation company that specializes in radon abatement services. Find Out –
What You Should Know About Radon Remediation
Founded in 1998, Lifetime Radon Solutions specializes in commercial soil gas mitigation, residential radon mitigation, new construction, and multi-family/HUD-compliant radon mitigation. They are AARST-certified, have won a number of awards, and have been recognized by Angie’s List as a “Super Service” company. Lifetime has the training and experience to complete any radon mitigation project, including the most complex, high-quality residential radon mitigation.
Radon mitigation is a process of removing radon from a structure by achieving depressurization beneath the slab. There are several ways to accomplish this, including drain-tile depressurization, sub-slab depressurization, and active soil depressurization. Once a depressurization solution has been installed, the problem is solved. The next step is a detailed evaluation and treatment plan.