How to Prevent Lead Generation FraudHow to Prevent Lead Generation Fraud
Lead generation fraud is a major problem that is not only costly, but also damaging to your brand. It can tarnish your reputation and affect your email deliverability. In addition, it can lead to TCPA fines that can be incredibly expensive.
Prevent lead generation fraud fraud requires a variety of strategies that are specific to the type of lead generation program you run. These methods can vary slightly depending on your particular setup, but they all have one common goal: to keep your program safe from fraud and ensure that only high-quality leads make it through the vetting process.
Identifying fake leads and fraudsters
One of the first steps in preventing lead generation fraud is to be aware of where your leads come from. It is critical to know where your leads originated because this information can help you verify their authenticity.
Protecting Your Business from Lead Generation Fraud: Essential Strategies for Effective Prevention
Fraudulent vendors often misrepresent the site where their leads originate, creating a false impression that they are collecting their leads on their own. They could even sell your leads to other businesses who do not follow a stringent lead verification process.
Detecting bots and spam IP addresses
If you are using a web form to collect your lead data, then it is important to use a variety of techniques to prevent fraudulent traffic. For example, adding a logic question or a CAPTCHA can help you block bots from submitting fraudulent data.
Using honeypot fields can also help you stop bots from filling out your form. These are hidden fields that do not show up on your web page, but can still be detected by bots.