Day: March 29, 2023

Boric Acid Supppositories For pH BalanceBoric Acid Supppositories For pH Balance

Boric acid suppositories for ph balance  are effective in helping restore your vagina’s natural pH balance. This natural balance is important for keeping your body healthy. It is important to maintain a good pH so that you do not develop bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections or urinary tract infections.

Your vagina has a naturally acidic pH of 3.8 to 4.5. This pH can be thrown off due to your menstrual cycle, a new sexual partner, unprotected sex or even certain soaps and detergents.

When you use boric acid suppositories, they kill bad bacteria that may be present in your vagina and help create an acidic environment for the growth of good bacteria. The acid also helps kill the yeast that is causing a yeast infection or that is accumulated in your vagina.

Balancing Act: Using Boric Acid Suppositories for Optimal Vaginal pH Health

You will notice a difference within a day of using boric acid suppositories! Most women report immediate relief.

The most common side effects of using boric acid suppositories are watery discharge, burning sensation and redness around the vagina. These side effects tend to subside over time but if they do not, let your doctor know.

Can I use boric acid suppositories before my period? Yes, but you will want to wear a pad during this time.

If you’re looking for a natural and affordable treatment for yeast infections, BV and trichomoniasis, then look no further than Kushae’s natural, seawater-sourced boric acid suppositories! The suppositories are easy to use and provide fast, effective relief. They are great for after intercourse, during your menstrual cycle and whenever you feel your pH is off.