London’s Appeal to the Young or not they want to admit it, many young people are disenchanted with the big city life. They’re leaving the capital in search of a less frenetic existence. Some – like Jack, who moved to Shropshire and is embracing hermit living – are happy with their decision. Others are struggling to make ends meet. They want to move away but can’t afford to. They’re fed up with the cost of housing and a system that rewards the few at the expense of the rest.
There is hope, though. The mayor can’t do much to change Brexit, the national rail strikes or the National Health Service’s broader troubles but he can do more to remove planning barriers to homebuilding and help local businesses take on apprentices. And he can support charities such as Future Hackney – a music and creative arts project for young people in east London – and Redthread, which embeds youth workers in A&E departments across the country to help frightened youngsters and their families.
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But there is also a sense that London’s appeal is fading. It’s a city of extremes: opulence in the Square Mile and Canary Wharf contrasts with endemic poverty in the east. This has been exacerbated by the city’s long-running skills crisis. In recent years, it’s been hard to find work in most sectors unless you have specialist qualifications. That’s why it’s important for the mayor to support initiatives that encourage creativity in the classroom.